
Sigurohuni që projektet tuaja IoT të jenë të suksesshme!

Qëllimi ynë është ti mundësojmë biznesit tuaj shpejtësi dhe kosto efektive në Objektet e Ndërthurura në Internet (Internet of Things). Ne kemi hartuar një portofol të mjeteve digjitale dhe shërbimeve të ekspertëve që që ju mundëson të arrini këtë qëllim!

Digital Tools

  • Leverage virtual twin technology to accelerate IoT product design for performance
  • Compare implementation choices in seconds and assess optimization recommendations
  • Take ready-made IoT products off the shelf and model your specific use case
  • Assemble your own solution using components and optimize for your deployment networks


  • Reduce maintenance costs, improve interoperability with operator networks
  • Validate E2E behavior, including service and application layers
  • Certify your product and secure prominent placement on our online product shelf

  • Assess the security vulnerabilities of your IoT solution
  • Select from among scalable test packages addressing different product complexities and budgets
  • Benefit from expert support guiding you along the assessment process


  • Book face-to-face or virtual sessions with our technical experts
  • Deep-dive into key aspects of IoT technologies
  • Choose from among several training modules available to address your needs